Friday, July 31, 2015

68. Tree of Life 2.2 ... #abstractart ...

What you started with is never what you can end it on eh? I was trying to give it a 2D foundation of sorts and with the only hint of the tree meant to be a sliver on the right edge of frame

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

67. Tree of Life 2.1 ... #abstractart

For this piece, I am unsure how to go about it except that I definitely wanted a colour scheme that is so against my own normal sensibilities and so I thought something strong and vibrant like the flames of the Phoenix ... not flame of the forest ...

Monday, July 27, 2015

66. Tree of Life 1.3 Finale

And here it is our final version ... which is a bit of a surprise as I learnt that crappy brushes do have an impact as I struggled to get the branches done right ... ahh well ... time to go shopping!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

65. Poetry = L

Later she said
Later and later and later
   when, eh?

Last night in togetherness
Last night was it your last time?
   You wondered, right?

Lester she called
Less you go away now
   I will be gone

Lester he waited
Lester wanted to chance it
   Lester later all alone
And lonely ...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

64. Tree of Life 1.2

After three coatings of blue ... now I layered in the tree and at this point I am not too sure what the tree should be ...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

63. Poetry = K

   A commodity we so crave
   A commodity many will willingly strive for
   A commodity not many will work to acquire?

   You want it
   They have it
   What will you do to possess it?

   Is how we should be
   Is how we should behave
   Is how we truly are

[Okay I admit this is quite lame but I haven't written in a while and this is done in minutes between commercials of the Avengers on TV hehehe]

Sunday, July 19, 2015

62. Tree of Life 1.1

After a much long while of sketching artwork that I cannot post here, finally, we found our groove. So here's something new that didn't quite come out as per original planning but still, okay I think