Thursday, December 31, 2015

88. Waters - Second Technique 1.3 Finale

And this is the finally as I tried to add in some waves of a more dominant nature sort of a lapping effect ...

Monday, December 28, 2015

87. Waters - Second Technique 1.2

In this scene, I am smoothing out the lines but am undecided on what the final should be ... this I quite like as it shows almost like after rain when the droplets have just ceased and the little vibration lines are finally disappearing ... as their energy is spent

Friday, December 25, 2015

86. Waters - Second Technique 1.1

Here I am trying to test out new ways of doing waters instead of the same old ... so you can see that I have some of the initial lines from my original style ... and then smoothing out ...

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

85. Alien Life Form 1.7

And here it is the finale so to speak ... I think different sets of nips would have made this miles better ... and a courage to black out certain things too ... well, this is first real effort with inks so let's see future works, eh?

Monday, December 21, 2015

84. Alien Life Form 1.6 ...

I actually liked how the eyes (an unexpected addition during ink stage) are coming along and the little feely whatever growing out of a few segments of the creature but the mouth for me is still a failure. At this point as I am creating this post on 30 Jan 2016 although backdating it, I have since found that to make the work looks better, I should have gotten ink pens of different sizes instead of doing all this on a 0.2

Sunday, December 20, 2015

83. Alien Life Form 1.5

I thought to use ink to correct the center of the creature's mouth but NOPE still crap!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

82. Alien Life Form 1.4

Off and on, I have always wondered about inking. I see it most especially in comics but I know that I am of the impatient type. However, in this instance, I decided to take a risk and again, as you can see, the nostrils were terrible but the eyes and the little filaments seemed to work a treat

Friday, December 18, 2015

81. Alien Life Form 1.3

And here it is when finished ... more or less ... although there is the bits that I mentioned in the previous post where the shortcomings are obvious, on the whole, I actually liked it and if need be, I can re-do this and correct all the weaknesses to make this a winning entry - sorry ego speaking there!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

80. Alien Life Form 1.2

[I am posting this on 10th Jan 2016 - not sure why I didn't post earlier as all edited and ready]

At this point, I still wasn't sure what I was going for. Hence you can see the clumsiness as evidenced by the nostrils and the depth of the jam. The eyes are also a test. Thus the pupils are uncoordinated and not "evil" looking

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

79. Alien Life Form 1.1

I just finished this last night ... so here goes ... this particular round I even tried inking and while a lot of the elements I managed to get across ... I do see a lot of errors ... which I will highlight towards the end ...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

78. Dragon 1.2 Final

See what I mean? Weak on the legs and the uneven twist of the body ... if I can work up the energy, I will have to try again some day ...

Monday, December 14, 2015

77. Dragon 1.1

After that tree, it took me a few days to re-think something and I always wanted to draw creatures so here goes ... however, I noticed I am always rushing to finish ... and thus what I started and what I ended are usually far different

Sunday, December 13, 2015

76. Tree of Life 4.4 Finale

And here it is ... the final version all done in mechanical pencil lead 0.3 to 0.5 depending on what I had on hand ... hehehe ... no inks ... hope you all like it ... someone told me I should start signing off and dating my works ... so I have

Saturday, December 12, 2015

75. Tree of Life 4.3

At this point, I was wondering where I went wrong because my tree looks kind of fat hahaha naturally we know trees are like the folds in our clothes and can wend any which way but somehow for me ... I tend to over-think these ... and I think ended up making finish product worse ... I guess this shows a lack of confidence in my own skills still

Friday, December 11, 2015

74. Tree of Life 4.2

The reason I took a while to finish this piece is that I am still unable to relax my grip whenever I do pencil work ... so my fingers feel numb within like a handful of minutes and my arm and back a bit tired and sore when 30 mins or so have swum by ... hence the need for frequent breaks to finish anything ...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

73. Tree of Life 4.1

After several weeks of doing nothing artwise, and using a busy day at the so-called office as an excuse I got around to buying a sketchbook I like (yes I am that sort of person) and decided to try one more time going all out to do another piece in my Tree of Life series ... so here it is a work in progress this time using pencil ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

72. Monaco and I

This one is a surprise. Normally we received a ton of junkmail telling us about exhibit all over the world and they asked you for money and what-not. But for some reason, after a long while, I actually read this one and found out that it is a real event, not a scam. So they selected Tree of Life #1 and one of the dot-dot paintings and I mailed it to them

Even that was a nightmare as the courier company sent it to Morocco instead of Monaco. A lot of unnecessary tension, I tell you! Hah!

Anyway, as I have never been to France, I decided to fork out the price for my own ticket and went there. Not a bad event but not as glamourous as I would have expected

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

71. Tree of Life 3.1 Finale

Well, well, well ... it has been many months since I have posted and I do have legitimate reasons ... firstly it's not because I didn't do much art ... well I didn't do much that's true and I had a dry spell from Aug to Oct .. but anyway over the next few days ... I am going to update everyone ... so here is the third in my series Tree of Life #3 ... this piece is more inspired from my days in 2001 Vietnam ... where I was doing the backpacker route up to Nha Trang passing by Muine