Tuesday, February 23, 2016

106. Another Perspective 3

And then we lay in a second circle ... and finish the whites with black ... and noted that wee bit of white in the yellow (argh) ... but will attend to it (natch) ... but what o do with that white circle ... I tried a simple pencil feel of a bunch of leaves but doesn't feel right ... if that makes sense to you ...

Saturday, February 20, 2016

105. Another Perspective 2

Then going to the shops I was inspired by the myriad types of ink pens available ... so the above starts taking shape ... consists of different size nips and different types and colours of ink ... including deliberate smudging to make some look faded ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

104. Another Perspective 1

A blank canvas ... and a circle in pencil (yes another circle) ... and after some though ... yellow paint ...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

103. Circle of Life Another Round 1.2

And here it is, seen from another angle ... I shot the pic from all four angles ... 5 if you count from top ... but I loved this angle as you can see the deliberate peak on the right of orange, red and yellow

Thursday, February 11, 2016

102. Circle of Life Another Client 1.1

Sorry for the poor quality of the photography ... so that it is not so sharp ... anyway had to do a new one to replace the one in Monaco ... hehehe

Monday, February 8, 2016

101. Tuscany Plate 1.3

And here is the final inked piece ... to my own surprise I am actually quite happy with it ... the imperfections actually add on to it rather than take away from it

Friday, February 5, 2016

100. Tuscany Plate 1.2

And rather than re-fine the pencil outline draft ... I decided to progress straight on to inks to build my confidence in my lines ... as you can see it is wavery still

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

99. Tuscany Plate 1.1

I was looking for something to sketch ... something different to see if I can do it ... and I remembered seeing some awesome enamel (I think) plates while I was in Nice ... and so here is the initial pencil sketch

Saturday, January 30, 2016

98. 2 minute cartoon sketch 2 Finale

And for every him there must be a her ... hahaha ... sorry but I think this one is weaker than the previous one ... probably if I have more than 2 minutes, I could have polished it

Friday, January 29, 2016

97. 2 minute cartoon sketch 1 Finale

After being inspired by all those 30 minutes and 15 minutes meals ... I thought to try and see what I can produce within 2 minutes from idea to finish ink ...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

96. Swirls 2 Finale ...

And here is the second one where I try to stretch it further but don't quite like the overall feel

Thursday, January 21, 2016

95. Swirls 1 Finale

This is my first real test using pen ink and just started doodling ... I started with left middle ... the lines that looked like those heartbeat monitor and from there added and added over a few days

Monday, January 18, 2016

94. Cartoon Test 2 Finale

See? From an earlier test sketch we added in ... and this is another mostly inked with minimal pencil outline

Friday, January 15, 2016

93. Misc Ink Sketch Finale

This started out with the middle plain wooden plank stuff ... then when it came to inking we added in a layer in front (foreground) and a layer at the back ... and after that for no reason the swirly of a neck scarf (?)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

92. Cartoon Test Sketch Finale

You take a blank page, you stare at it ... and then force yourself to put some black lines on said page ... and throw out some ideas so that later on, maybe, just maybe something can stick and be considered worth it .. hahaha

Saturday, January 9, 2016

91. 2016 Finale

Can be 2015 or 2016 but I rather fancy it as 6 because of the curve ... anyway this is another straight inking effort ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

90. Colour Pencil Test 1.1 Finale

Bought myself a box of childhood memories and testing it out on a sketch of superhero type character. You can see clearline black pencil work followed by reds etc ... it is actually quite nice to see it in colour ...

Sunday, January 3, 2016

89. Dragon 2.1 Finale

Yup was not happy with that past dragon pic so am revisiting the same character once more ... and while this has more details than the previous one and I am using direct to ink for detail work same as the alien life form but again the same problems are cropping up ... so still not happy