Tuesday, August 22, 2017

126. A Pier of Colours

This one is cool. I bought a set of cheap magic colour pens like another childhood kind of stuff. And then I sketched half of this scene and then when I took a pic for this blog, I was wondering how it would look like if I sort of did the mirror effect and VOILA it looks to me at least, great!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

125. Walter Simonson homage ...

For those who do not know who Walter is, he is an awesome comic book artist who has his own signature style. I love his work on the Mighty Thor, not so much elsewhere as it can be powerful but chunky. What I remembered most is the energy signatures when his characters fight and these are what I have now used here based on childhood memories ...

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

124. Buildings in a different world ...

This one is my attempt at a quick direct to ink sketch of what an imaginary world would be like. Obviously if I flesh it out with time instead of bulldozing through in a few minutes it would be more realized but with these series of ink works, I am trying to give myself the courage to use more ink and less pencils which means if you make a mistake, you are done for and honestly over the past few months of 2016, I did learn a lot more on my capabilities

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

123. A Full Life ...

This one is a commissioned piece for a banker friend. So once done, it is shipped out. I actually like this better than my earlier pieces as the colours and the patterns came out much nicer giving it a calming kind of feel ...

Friday, July 28, 2017

122. Halloween 2016 Part 1 ..

And here is the first one which is more using the word and then putting doodle style cute sie cartoon characters around it ...

Friday, July 21, 2017

121. Halloween 2016 Part 2

Last year after all the squiggles and what-not, I went into try and do something for a few festive season and here is the version I did for Halloween ...

Friday, July 14, 2017

120. Panel doodles ...

The past few doodles have a lot of mix designs. So for this round, I created a panel with repetitive designs to see how it would look like

Friday, July 7, 2017

119. Leaves ...

My favorite that came out much better than expected and was actually sold to be used as a napkin design for a restaurant ...

Friday, June 30, 2017

118. Inking Doodles ...

And here is one where I am using my old fave of a triangle but then learning about filling up space with all sorts of doodles and also pens with different size nibs ...

Friday, June 23, 2017

117. Quiet countryside ...

And here is something completely different - ink and watercolour in almost straight chunky style ... was grateful to the lady who like it well enough to ask me to frame it and send to her for her bedroom!

Friday, June 16, 2017

116. Learning water colour ...

Got this as a birthday gift from a friend and decided to test it out ...

Not too sure actually what I myself think of this ...

Friday, June 9, 2017

115. Into the wild ...

Rather than have a series like in the past to build up, I am just going to attach a few to show how this particular piece came about ...

So the above is an initial pencil layout follow by some random inking to get the feel of what I want to create ... notice the antlers and the tree branches ...

And here is the final work ... with some of the pencil lines still in ... hope you like it

Friday, June 2, 2017

114. Tree of Life #5

And from all the painted versions of tree of life, I went on and did some test using black ink lines ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

118. Ink work ...

This is another attempt at ink work for landscape but was indecisive on the topic and was thinking Christmassy or what? This is a 2016 piece

Friday, May 26, 2017

113. Nice, France ...

And from my first European trip in 2015 comes this quick sketch ... and hoping to do more in 2017

Friday, May 19, 2017

112. Japanese Ink Style - completed

And here it is the final piece. I only did a piece. Maybe later on I will try the other one with the sea waves as that looks interesting too!

Friday, May 12, 2017

111. Japanese Ink Style ...

This is a piece that I am testing out using black ink from an initial quick pencil outline. I loved the work by the original guy who did it but cannot recall his name now. But I learned from this how to use dots and different strength or size of the dots to create the right feeling. So admiring other artists works do pay off

This is the draft

Friday, May 5, 2017

110. Focal Point ...

I have seen people using black paper or canvas and decided to test this out. This quite a nice paper texture. The only thing is to find the right eraser and I am lucky here it just works out. Basically this piece is more like those advice stuff where we say that you can be perfect all the time but if you make one mistake, immediately, everyone will focus on that one mistake and forget about all the other times you were right!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

109. Joker - Pencil Sketch

And here is the other Tim Sale inspired work, Joker from the Batman. Yes, I agree I did it in a quick rush but that's what I love about Tim Sale. He uses simple lines and teaches us to focus on the essentials that create the gist of a character

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

108. Scarecrow - pencil sketch

This is a piece inspired by Tim Sale, Artist's awesome work. In the past, I was not a fan of black and white comic art or cartoony style but reading Tim Sale's Batman changed all that! O yeah this is one of the old stuff that I have and just posting to clear back logs

107. I am baaaaaaaaaaaack

Slightly more than a year since our last posting .... that's what happens when you are a master procrastinator like me ... but hey I am here and once the bloody internet is working once again in a proper manner to the point I can upload stuff, I am going to overload everyone here hehehe