Sunday, April 30, 2017

109. Joker - Pencil Sketch

And here is the other Tim Sale inspired work, Joker from the Batman. Yes, I agree I did it in a quick rush but that's what I love about Tim Sale. He uses simple lines and teaches us to focus on the essentials that create the gist of a character

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

108. Scarecrow - pencil sketch

This is a piece inspired by Tim Sale, Artist's awesome work. In the past, I was not a fan of black and white comic art or cartoony style but reading Tim Sale's Batman changed all that! O yeah this is one of the old stuff that I have and just posting to clear back logs

107. I am baaaaaaaaaaaack

Slightly more than a year since our last posting .... that's what happens when you are a master procrastinator like me ... but hey I am here and once the bloody internet is working once again in a proper manner to the point I can upload stuff, I am going to overload everyone here hehehe