Friday, June 30, 2017

118. Inking Doodles ...

And here is one where I am using my old fave of a triangle but then learning about filling up space with all sorts of doodles and also pens with different size nibs ...

Friday, June 23, 2017

117. Quiet countryside ...

And here is something completely different - ink and watercolour in almost straight chunky style ... was grateful to the lady who like it well enough to ask me to frame it and send to her for her bedroom!

Friday, June 16, 2017

116. Learning water colour ...

Got this as a birthday gift from a friend and decided to test it out ...

Not too sure actually what I myself think of this ...

Friday, June 9, 2017

115. Into the wild ...

Rather than have a series like in the past to build up, I am just going to attach a few to show how this particular piece came about ...

So the above is an initial pencil layout follow by some random inking to get the feel of what I want to create ... notice the antlers and the tree branches ...

And here is the final work ... with some of the pencil lines still in ... hope you like it

Friday, June 2, 2017

114. Tree of Life #5

And from all the painted versions of tree of life, I went on and did some test using black ink lines ...