Tuesday, August 22, 2017

126. A Pier of Colours

This one is cool. I bought a set of cheap magic colour pens like another childhood kind of stuff. And then I sketched half of this scene and then when I took a pic for this blog, I was wondering how it would look like if I sort of did the mirror effect and VOILA it looks to me at least, great!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

125. Walter Simonson homage ...

For those who do not know who Walter is, he is an awesome comic book artist who has his own signature style. I love his work on the Mighty Thor, not so much elsewhere as it can be powerful but chunky. What I remembered most is the energy signatures when his characters fight and these are what I have now used here based on childhood memories ...

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

124. Buildings in a different world ...

This one is my attempt at a quick direct to ink sketch of what an imaginary world would be like. Obviously if I flesh it out with time instead of bulldozing through in a few minutes it would be more realized but with these series of ink works, I am trying to give myself the courage to use more ink and less pencils which means if you make a mistake, you are done for and honestly over the past few months of 2016, I did learn a lot more on my capabilities

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

123. A Full Life ...

This one is a commissioned piece for a banker friend. So once done, it is shipped out. I actually like this better than my earlier pieces as the colours and the patterns came out much nicer giving it a calming kind of feel ...