Sunday, May 31, 2015

51. Poetry = E

Each day passes by unabated ...
   We try our best to derailed it ...
   But it continues its journey ...
   Onward, onward ho ...
   To where, no one knows ...

Every evening comes a glorious sunset,
   We sit, make camp and pray ...
   But no rain comes and no prey ...
   Onward, onward again?
   To where we wonder is journey's end

Eventually all walks must end,
   We stopped, stared and dared to hope ...
   But of what use is hopes in this world?
   Onward, onward no more
   To the end when we are here

Saturday, May 30, 2015

50. 4 = sea shells

This is a miss for me ... as I couldn't quite get the shape I want with those additional lines ... and then I messed around with some colour pencils to give it that sheen

Friday, May 29, 2015

49. Poetry: D

Do not take a left turn
   Do take the right turn

Do not stop at all
   Do take a break if you are tired

Do not hang around
   Do go down the road

Do not mess with them
   Do mess around with him

Do not jump inside
   Do jump on the lawn

Do not climb up that tree
   Do climb the monkey bars

Do not eat all that food
   Do have another bite

Do not breath in that air
   Do breath in this fresh mountain breeze

Do not cut it down
   Do chop it apart

"The Do Nots and the Dos"

Thursday, May 28, 2015

48. 3: Sea Creature

For some reason I actually like this piece a lot ... hehehe ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

47. Poetry = C

Canny is what you are
Cunning is what he is

Lost ... we are lost ...

Cruelty she propagates
Carelessness is served up

Gone ... we know not where ...

Cowering are the little ones
Cesspool is their homes

Sorry ... we do not understand ...

Cussing is the new cool
Culling is the new "in-thing"

Fuck ... who gives a damn?!?!?!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

46. 2 = Cuttlefish

Well when my word artwork in vol 1 is finished, I hunted back this book and continued so you can see that it is done in Apr 2015. It is now May as I am posting this and though I stopped for a while, I had another good run a few days ago ... still a lot to go and honestly I like this a whole lot even though the time taken is probably more than 10 minutes but less than 30 minutes ... thanks for reading!

Monday, May 25, 2015

45. Poetry = B

Ah me, ah my! Poetry time again ... shall I follow the structure from A? Hmm ...

   it is what it is ...

   it causes the hearts to quicken ...
   and the tempers to flare!

   it can build the world up ...
   and causes destruction just as if not worse!

   ephemeral and invisible ...
   elusive yet fiercely protected

   to be held tightly in one's breast ...
   to be protected at all costs?

Or perhaps we Believe
   that Believe should be set free
   to be true to Belief's own self

Sunday, May 24, 2015

44. 1 = Crab ...

Well I decided not to take a break in the posting and just keep at it as well ... and here is what I officially label as my Book 2 ... this first sketch is from Jan 2015 ... so this is actually even before Book 1 ... but somehow after this I stopped using this book and started the other book and hence that's why I called this volume 2 ...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

43. Poetry = A?

A looooooooong time ago when I was a kid and later on in university and my early working years, I actually have a passion for words and even dared have them printed in both the Malaysian News Straits Times as well as some USA fanzines and also my Australian University papers and magazines

Naturally like all things, I gave it up as the years went by and settled for a life of "averageness" ... but now I am wondering if practise does make me better and if so ... will you, dear patient reader, allow me to spout some free form verses as I have to admit I have forgotten the general rules on verse ...

Please allow me to indulge ...

So let's start with A ...

Always it starts somewhere
Always it starts some when
And perhaps with someone or two ...

Although the journey has commenced ...
As two may make it to the final greens ...
As long as the two are focused ...

And the stars shine on them ...
And the moon guides them ...
And the sun ...

Hmm weak eh? I have no idea what it means except that I wanted it to start with A in every single row ... hehehe! Weak justification, I know and after that first 3 lines, it seemed that in my mind's eye, I see a journey with 2 people to destinations unknown ... hmm ... some thing to think about, aye?

Friday, May 22, 2015

42. W = Wish

A splash of water shoots my wishes into the sky ... final sketch in this book ... and all done in March 2015 ... am pleased to find that if I push I can actually finish something even though the quality is uneven but for me the main point is actually finishing as well as the fact that each page is done in minutes with nothing about 5 minutes ... shall we take a break for a day or two before the next posting?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

41. V = Vale

V + Ale ... ahahahah ... I actually liked this a lot ... one more to go and then this sketch book hit its final page ... my first time in YEARS ... I actually finished something, eh? Whoopee!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

40. U = Up

Another piece from Mar 2015 and in case you think I am a fan of that cartoon, UP, think again. I didn't finish it on DVD and found the fat kid annoying. I know it was a hit movie and maybe some day I will actually watched it. So I am not sure if this was inspired from the movie logo or not although some of my friends say so ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

39. T = Time

Well here is another posting from the alphabet series and you will be seeing more of this until we finished. The reason is because for the painting, I am still doing another of those dotted-circular stuff for a client and that is progressing but slowly as I am trying to figure out how to match his favourite colours with his "life" ... so in the meantime please ensure T = Time ... and as you can see when I keep on sketching even if like for 2 minutes a piece it looks better ... well at least to me ... so practise does indeed improve one's skills hehehe!

Monday, May 18, 2015

38. S = Super

And finally, this is a good return to form, right? I actually liked this a lot myself more than the past few as it shows I actually think it through and willing to spend time to do it hahaha!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

37. Pointillism - Finale 2

And this is truly the grand finale ... the photo negative ... hope you enjoyed this particular series! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

36. R= Roar

Sorry it is so faint but I did use a pencil and as this one is quite large ... I didn't want my lines to become too squiggly ... so was very light ... anyway it's supposed to be the word roar coming out of a megaphone

Friday, May 15, 2015

35. Pointillism - Finale 1

And here it is the final piece for the client ... apologies that it looked so pale ... as I took this shot with a flash ... and it kind of washed out the colours  ... why I called it 1 is because there is a photo negative of this to accompany this painting

Thursday, May 14, 2015

34. Q = Quest

And here I am ... messing around with colour pencils ... so the focus is on the tools rather than the design

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

33. Pointillism (4)

Here you can see that it is getting densed, almost no breathing space, so to speak, eh? It's almost there. If you zoom in, there are white blotches outside the circle. That's thanks to my sloppiness of not realizing that there were paint on my hand and accidentally brushed the canvas. So I used white to close it off. Hehehe!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

32. P = PLU

So after pushing on and deciding I should stop trying to do it within a minute or less (hahaha), I managed to do this. While it is not special but at least it is something that has a bit more details/ effort and looks more pleasing to the eye, eh? PLU = People Like Us ... and for some reason also means gays/ homosexuals/ lesbians etc ... not sure why though

Monday, May 11, 2015

31. Pointillism (3)

See what we mean by inspiration? This particular stage is getting more alive as the colours become more vibrant ... the client's favourite colour is orange and yellow and I went out and bought more yellows as the ones I have somehow didn't seem quite right ... quite vibrant enough ...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

30. O = One

Third one in a row that I didn't like ... at this point, I was so tempted to give it all up ... wondering if I have run out of ideas and merely pushing myself to go through or what ... or perhaps I am just rushing ... not even giving time to think about shapes ... but then I read this article .. that says if one wants to be a professional do not just make up stuff like waiting for inspiration ... one needs to keep working at it ... and so I decided to actually finish the book!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

29. Pointillism (2)

As you can see, the dots are becoming more and more dense and as I worked on this, a sense of where the overall colour scheme should flow becomes more clearly to me ... somehow this always happens as the colours themselves actually seem to speak to me!

Friday, May 8, 2015

28. N = New

This one is even worse than the previous ... the volumes it is screaming about amateurish eh? Hahaha! Well ... in all seriousness here I am testing out magic markers or magic ink pens ... another tools I haven't used in years since high school

Thursday, May 7, 2015

27. Pointillism (1) - NEW

Earlier on when I first re-started painting and sketching and what-not, I was researching and looking at all the artists that inspired me and one such was the style of pointillism. How the artist uses dots of colour to create awesome scenes of people and places and I was wondering if I were to give free rein to my love of colours and shapes, what I can do ... way back then (maybe 2 years ago?) I did it really small ... like maybe 2 inches in diameter ... and the few who saw it loved it ... so I decided to do it for real this time ... the above canvas size is 12 x 12 ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

26. M = Mad

For this particular piece, I was trying to ensure that every single line in the three alphabets of M A D are all different. It does look a bit too much though ... hahaha!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

25. Eye of the Storm (Finale)

Lacking the confidence, I decided to go over this painting a few more times ... and the truth is ... there were times when I was so worried that I am overdoing it ... you see, my challenge in the past has always been that I kept on "touching up" until it actually ended up worse than what it was before ... but for this, I have to admit I am generally pleased

I sent it to the client in softcopy and the client was pleased too ... so now it has gone to the framers ... and hope to have it back in a few days time for a pride of place in Jakarta, Indonesia

Hope you all who have been following this blog found it "not" too boring ... or dare I say it, enjoyable. We will start a new series soon!


Monday, May 4, 2015

24. L = Lies

Well this started as a thought balloon but because of the very word itself, we decided to make it a bit of a mix ... and hence the balloons morphed into something else ... 23rd Mar 2015 ... 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

23. Eye of the Storm (10)

Removing the wooden blocks ... after waiting, decided that the spiral lacked energy ... and hence attempting to inject some reds and oranges within

Saturday, May 2, 2015

22. K = Kill

This is done on the same day and session as the previous but here I have an idea and was trying to create various metallic pieces of blades to form the words ... so at least in terms of design elements, there is consistency

Friday, May 1, 2015

21. Eye of the Storm (9)

From the earlier version I am now attempting to add my finishing touches without over-doing it. You see, my bad habit is I keep on redoing until the final product is usually worse than the roughs and by that time, it is too late. So this time, a little more restraint. If you look closely you can see wooden blocks