Saturday, May 23, 2015

43. Poetry = A?

A looooooooong time ago when I was a kid and later on in university and my early working years, I actually have a passion for words and even dared have them printed in both the Malaysian News Straits Times as well as some USA fanzines and also my Australian University papers and magazines

Naturally like all things, I gave it up as the years went by and settled for a life of "averageness" ... but now I am wondering if practise does make me better and if so ... will you, dear patient reader, allow me to spout some free form verses as I have to admit I have forgotten the general rules on verse ...

Please allow me to indulge ...

So let's start with A ...

Always it starts somewhere
Always it starts some when
And perhaps with someone or two ...

Although the journey has commenced ...
As two may make it to the final greens ...
As long as the two are focused ...

And the stars shine on them ...
And the moon guides them ...
And the sun ...

Hmm weak eh? I have no idea what it means except that I wanted it to start with A in every single row ... hehehe! Weak justification, I know and after that first 3 lines, it seemed that in my mind's eye, I see a journey with 2 people to destinations unknown ... hmm ... some thing to think about, aye?

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