Thursday, April 30, 2015

20. J = Jam

I did this on 23rd Mar 2015 in Penang while home with mom and dad and the nurses on one very hot, sweaty afternoon in the kitchen. I was trying to do more but couldn't come up with anything really good. So here it is

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

19. Eye of the Storm (8)

In this round, I started experimenting with a chunkier version of the dark bits ... and did it several times with at least 3 different layers of colours ... and then I started working inwards instead of initial style working outwards ... I kind of layered on tiny details of streaks but here you can see I am not confident on direction yet of final colour scheme

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

18. I = Ice

Ok ... this for me is amateurish and I know I could have done better but I was just finishing it fast and didn't bother to re-work it at all ... I mean, I know I have done better blocks and better stuff at the base type of stuff

Monday, April 27, 2015

17. Eye of the Storm (7)

While I kind of like the last effort ... once I have had some time to review it ... I found the colour scheme a bit too weak ... too much weak ass yellow ... I needed something stronger ... something more vibrant ... something that projected another in a rush ... hence I picked all sorts of orange and orange red. Also you can see that the dark patches are more evenly distributed here

Sunday, April 26, 2015

16. H = High

Well ... this one is for me quite good ... I wasn't expecting it to come out like this ... but as I placed pencil to paper ... it just flowed naturally ... and once the first H is on the paper ... the rest just ... flowed! Another Mar 2015 effort

Saturday, April 25, 2015

15. Eye of the Storm (6)

Here is the swirl and if you study the strokes carefully you will notice that I am still confused ... should the swirl be from beyond the painting and flowing into the painting or from the painting flowing outward ... and also the colour ... should it show like a tunnel ... with perhaps yellowy tones in the center than all others shoot forth so as to create a 3-D swirling effect around the swirl i.e. swirl within a swirl? So much to think over ... yet I cannot redo because I already love the blue ... also note on the upper left ... the space for the swirl is gone ... as that didn't make sense once I lay in the layers of blue and this 

Friday, April 24, 2015

14. G = Grand

Another piece done in a rush ... from March 2015 ... this one I kind of like in the sense of the shadings within the characters ... however, for me what kind of failed is that it is done in a rush ... and I think if I actually worked on this ... it will look good ... 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

13. Eye of the Storm (5)

So from the pic above, basically all the blues are layered in and I am generally satisfied (shocker I know) ... and as for those black splotches ... well I intentionally wanted them as I will have that swirl cutting through so it's fine ... which means ... it's time to finally work on the swirl!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

12. F is for Flash ...

Well then ... another day another piece from the Mar 2015 archives of more sketches done while travelling. Here I decided to buy a small pack of magic markers (magic ink pen) ... something from childhood days ... and try my hand at applying them on this ... however, seems that the colours can run! I had forgotten this, see? So it's a good wake up call ... still I actually like the vibrant colours from the set not from the lettering below hahaha!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

11. Eye of the Storm (4) ...

This is done on 30th Mar 2015 ... next day after (3) ... and as you can see we made more progress on the blues and the brush strokes ... however at this point I was worried I sort of lost the concept for the eye ... so I quickly sketched the outline so that I can keep it in mind ...

Monday, April 20, 2015

10. E = Expand

This is a move back in the right direction as far as I am concerned after the mess that was D. For those wondering and one person who messaged me, yes these are "draft" like 1 to 5 minutes work. How I do is for each alphabet, I think of a word and try to write it in a manner or style (font?) different from previous - first lightly, then darker. That's why it's "filler" not so polished

Sunday, April 19, 2015

9. D = Damned ...

This is not so much painting but word art ... I guess? It's basically very inconsistent ... more like I am testing out various ways and that's why you see the word "the" is totally different from "Damned" ... and even the latter has at least 3 different styles ... if I have to say anything, it would probably be because I was struggling to continue the series ... and pushing forward when uninspired ... like the rest, this is done in March 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

8. Eye of the Storm (3) ...

Well we have a double set of photos to share with you.

Basically it shows from the last posting, what I did to finish it and then, relooking at it, I didn't quite like how it turned out. So it's repainting all over again.

And you can see from below to revert back to pencils to re outline before repainting ... this is work done on 29th March 2015 ...

And of course from here the eye is still very sharp and obvious ...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

7. C is for Chaos

I was of 2 minds wondering if I should post more from this series or interspersed with something more "dramatic" so that those of you looking for art work is not "bored to tears" and ripping your hair out ... but figured to post this one ... just this ... and maybe next week we will post something else, eh?

This is done from QZ7531 flight from Bali to Jakarta on 16th March 2015


BTW I have finished the entire small artbook with alphabets. Some are kinda sad but overall I am pleased because I have DISCIPLINE to actually finish something. Now for my sketches I have just started something else ... using roughs from sea life and transferring them to my artbook ... hope that works out well ... and I hope you are also enjoying my continuous updates on my attempt to be a painter as well!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

6. Eye of the Storm (2)

This piece is where I start laying down some colour schemes that I think will look nice. At this stage, I also mess around with the type of paint like do I use water colours, acrylics, oils, etc ... and since I am an amateur painter (can I call myself that?), I also test the various tools including type of brushes and "knife" ... and also (yes one more also) the type of strokes ...

And after all that boring explanation, the result is below ... at this stage the painted area/ section is not finalized yet ... I will do more re-work ... sometimes I think I am terrible at finishing as the more I work on something, the worse ... it gets ... ARGH!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

5. B is for Boom

Guess what? This is also done on the same flight as the previous postings. See? I wasn't lying to you when I said I was going to do some really fast sketches, eh?

So the date is 14th March 2015 onboard AK378 to Bali from KL


Friday, April 10, 2015

4. Eye of the Storm (0)

Hi all - in case you are wondering why zero/ nil, it's because I just realized that I had a snapshot of when I first used pencils to sketch out what I had in mind before I put paint. And hence, this piece actually precedes part (1). Hope you like it as the intention of this blog is to show you (and to help me remember) how I create each piece of my own art

Saturday, April 4, 2015

3. A is for Alert

Following from the first posting, I was wondering how often I should post ... and decided to make this an irregular serial first. So this particular piece is titled A is for Alert. I decided if my discipline holds to force myself to do a series of quick sketches using the alphabets

So the above is also completed on 14th March 2015 onboard AK 378 enroute to Bali from KL


Friday, April 3, 2015

2 ... Eye of the Storm (1)

After that first post, I actually have created a series based on the sketches I have done and finished in one week ... but decided ... that rather than stagger the postings on weekly basis ... to make it as "live" as possible ... by "live" I mean not just to post something waaaaay further down the timeline but to keep it near when I am painting

So what else am I painting? This ... done in Jakarta ... below is a showing of an initial stage ... I used pencil to outline and then clay to "plot" out the eye ... and the "debris" of the storm ... this is for me how I normally paint ... I work it out in my mind's "eye" ... then I do some rough outlines ... then leave it ... before I add in colours ... this piece is done between Mar 28th to Apr 3rd 2015 ... I was almost finished ... when I am back in JKT next week ... will try to complete it