Friday, April 3, 2015

2 ... Eye of the Storm (1)

After that first post, I actually have created a series based on the sketches I have done and finished in one week ... but decided ... that rather than stagger the postings on weekly basis ... to make it as "live" as possible ... by "live" I mean not just to post something waaaaay further down the timeline but to keep it near when I am painting

So what else am I painting? This ... done in Jakarta ... below is a showing of an initial stage ... I used pencil to outline and then clay to "plot" out the eye ... and the "debris" of the storm ... this is for me how I normally paint ... I work it out in my mind's "eye" ... then I do some rough outlines ... then leave it ... before I add in colours ... this piece is done between Mar 28th to Apr 3rd 2015 ... I was almost finished ... when I am back in JKT next week ... will try to complete it

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